AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Help! I want to join a Theme Camp

One of the most common questions we get asked is where do I go and find a theme camp that is looking for members.

Some of you coming from overseas will find this helpful as you will be flying in with just your luggage, and Burning solo can be tricky (and expensive!) if you don’t have peeps to pool resources with. Or you might even be a local, but none of your mates are joining this year … Either way, you would rather join a theme camp than just free camp. You wanna be part of the action on the Binnekring and contribute to the tremendous communal pageant that is AfrikaBurn. So, where to start?

As these camps are just for people like yourself, they get organised at their own pace, sometimes months before the burn, sometimes two days before. There is no single, convenient platform on which these camps are listed.

Generally, camps advertise that they are looking for members on the different Facebook platforms below, where you can reach out and contact them. Alternatively, you can look in our online archives (WTF? guide) to see what theme camps were at the previous burn and see if you can find them online (hint: try all the social platforms) to get hold of them and offer your services and undivided devotion.

Lastly, you can also use the resources below to advertise yourself as looking for a camp to join. It feels a bit like Tinder, but you might strike it lucky!

AfrikaBurn Theme Camps page

AfrikaBurn Community group page

AfrikaBurn International group page

Words by the lovely Jeanine Jooste

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