AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Image credit: Jonx Pillemer

Afrika Burns Creative Projects is governed by community members just like you who’ve stepped up and decided to champion the organisation they feel strongly about. It’s entirely voluntary to be a Member or a Non-Executive Director on our Board, and no one benefits from the position. 

If this feels like you, or you’re feeling called to the cause. Please visit this page for more info. 

Directors & Members

Below is a list of current and past Members and Directors. AfrikaBurn and its participants are grateful for their passion, contribution and love. If you’d like to become a Member or Non Executive Director, visit this page for more information or contact [email protected]

Samantha Bendzulla
Jan Bester
Dane Marrison

Sydney Mathebula
Coenraad Middel
Nic Raubenheimer

Johanna Richtje Rianna
Michael ‘t Sas-Rolfes
Lorraine Tanner

Alex Noble
Bradley Baard
Bryan Lang
Catherine Williams
Diaan Nel
Faldelah Fletcher
Isa Marques

Jacqui Woolfson*
Lorraine Tanner*
Michael Gerhard**
Michelle Behrend
Monique Schiess*
Paul Fletcher
Robert Weinek

Samantha Bendzulla*
Scheepers De Bruin
Sindy Dondolo
Steven Tu
Subhas Shah*
Timothy Doyle
Wayne McDermid

* Voting suspended
** On sabbatical

To contact the Members, mail [email protected]

Alex Marsh
Adriaan Wessels
Elizabeth Linsell
Jonathan Hoffenberg
Julia Savage

Mike T’sas-Rolfe
Paul Honig
Paul Grose
Richard Bowsher
Simon O’Callaghan

Travis Lyle
Tristan Lang
Verity Maud

To contact the Members Emeritus, mail [email protected]

Abi Case
Adetola Okunlola
Adriaan Wessels
Brad Baard
Graeme Allan
Jonathan Hoffenberg
Jonathan Cline

Julia Savage
Karyn Reynolds
Lil Visser
Elizabeth Linsell
Mike Suss
Monique Schiess
Paul Grose

Paul Jorgensen
Robert Weinek
Roger Van Wyk
Samantha Bendzulla
Travis Lyle

Annette Van Velzen
Andrew Currell
Anine Trumplemann
Brendan Smithers
Charles Palm
Devin Herd
Devin Isaacs
Erica Inches
Helena Sheridan
Graeme Allan
James Happe
Jan Lohfeldt

Jonathan Cline
Jonathan Hoffenberg
Karen Stewart
Kirsten Brann
Lil Visser
Mike T’Sas-Rolfe
Nathan Victor Honey
Nicci van Noordwyk
Paul Barker
Paul Grose
Paul Jorgensen
Regan Tacon

Rian Brand
Richard Bowsher
Richard Voller
Roger Van Wyk
Sebastian Prinz
Shelley Cooper
Simon O’Callaghan
Simon Goddard
Verity Maud
Werner Strauss

Lil Visser
Michael T’Sas-Rolfe

Monique Schiess
Paul Jorgensen

Richard Bowsher
Robert Weinek