AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Image credit: Jonx Pillemer

Members form part of the three-tiered governance structure of the Organisation alongside the Directorship and the Executive Committee. The Membership is a voluntary mechanism for democratic participation in the organisation.

Members are the cultural custodians of the organisation and by extension, the movement it serves – including and beyond the annual AfrikaBurn gathering. Members guide the philosophical and strategic direction of the organisation. They give guidance and direction to the organisation in non-operational matters that affect the sustainability and longevity of the organisation.

Externally, they act as ambassadors of the organisation and the culture it supports. Members have the opportunity to be cultural catalysers within their spheres of influence, encouraging active collaboration and transformational experience beyond the organisation.

people working together
Photo: Gautier Berr


Members consider, discuss, and vote on matters regarding:
● Electing and removing members
● Electing and removing Non-Executive Directors
● Changes to the MOI
● Approving financials, budget, and strategy.

Members participate in monthly couch calls, the 2-day Bosberaad, 2x full-day Special Members Meetings and the AGM.


In their philosophical responsibilities, Members are expected to reflect on the purpose of the organisation in the global burner community, the local burner community, and the South African context, and the responsibilities that may be associated with this. They ensure that the organisation continues to question and challenge itself. To do so, they participate in discussions with integrity, candour, curiosity and an open mind.

Each Member is required to serve in at least one Member working group, portfolio, committee or task team and is encouraged to share with the Membership information from this group that inspires and supports a more holistic understanding of the activities of the Organisation.

A Member should have sufficient time available outside of their personal commitments to dedicate an estimated average of 2 hours per week (120 hours per year / 10 hours per month) to the responsibilities of Membership, including participation in meetings and engaging with issues, discussions, and documents.

Members are not paid for their service. They commit their time, skills, knowledge and expertise voluntarily and without compensation.

Photo: Alexander Polson
Photo: Gautier Berr


Members are active in the AfrikaBurn community – meaning that they are committed to furthering the culture of AfrikaBurn through the 11 Guiding Principles in a year-round capacity. Everyone in the broader burner community is encouraged to embrace these behaviours.

As such, new Members are sought with the express intention of filling gaps in the Membership that ensure cultural and cognitive diversity. The AfrikaBurn Membership is committed to being inclusive and equitable so that we can lead experimental transformation.

Qualities of a Member:

  • Collaborative by nature.

  • A strategic and lateral thinker.

  • Able to tolerate and work with a diversity of views.

  • Able to mediate between differing views.

  • Able to handle responsibility without authority.

  • Aware of the local social climate and context.

  • Conscious of their position/power.

  • Known, respected and active in their community.

  • Familiar with online communication platforms.

  • Display integrity and discretion.



Application for Membership of the organisation is open to all who identify as part of our community. Candidates from all walks of life, backgrounds and interests are encouraged to apply.

The organisation strives to reflect a broad and balanced cross-section of the current Burner community and the community we aspire to be. For this reason, eligible candidates will be evaluated in light of the needs of the organisation, with the intention to ensure that representation within the membership is broad, varied, balanced and inclusive.

You can apply at any time during the year. Applications for Candidate Membership will close on 15 December for the following year, e.g. apply on 10 December 2023 for 2024 Membership Candidacy.

  1. Applicants and/or their nominee should contact [email protected]* and request the Member Application Pack. This includes the Beginners Guide to Membership, the Code of Conduct, and a written interview questionnaire.

  2. Submit your application pack to [email protected]*. Applications should include (in PDF format, please):

    • The completed Interview Questionnaire

    • Your Curriculum Vitae

    • A letter of recommendation from your nominee / a member of the Burn community (please include their contact details).

  3. The Members Secretariat (MemSec) will confirm receipt of your application pack.

  4. The Candidate Member Working Group will contact you in January to inform you of your Candidate Membership Status and next steps.

* If you do not receive a response to a mail sent to MemSec within three working days, please double-check the email address you sent to and reach out again (MemSec works voluntarily and will appreciate your efforts).

Photo: Matthew Rousseau


Selected applicants enter an ±8-month period of candidacy – a period of active service and
engagement within the Member body, without the responsibility of voting.

This period allows the Candidate Member an opportunity to develop an experience-based understanding of the nature of the role for which they have applied and to get to grips with the work of the membership before fully committing and assuming the responsibilities of voting. It allows Members the opportunity to gain an experiential understanding of the candidate within the membership sphere before casting their vote on new members at the AGM.

During this period, Candidate Members are encouraged (and expected) to actively engage with the work of the membership and add their voice and perspective to discussions taking place within the Member’s sphere. Candidate Members are required to meet the same attendance, ethical, philosophical and service responsibilities as voting Members, with the exception of voting.

This period will allow them to better familiarise themselves with the membership, the organisation as a whole, and opportunities for volunteering.

They are also encouraged to reach out to the Candidate Member Working Group – or anyone in the member body – for support, guidance, insight, and clarity about how the organisation works and the matters at hand.


There is no way to shortcut to this step. You have to go through the application and candidacy process first. Sorry! In late August of your Candidacy period, you will be asked if you would like to be considered for Voting Membership. If you do so,

  1. Selected Candidates who ask for consideration will be invited to an interview conducted by a small panel of Members.

  2. You will have to write a letter of motivation.

  3. Your candidacy will be voted on by the existing Members at the AGM that follows the completion of their candidacy period (although this may also take place at an alternative date from time to time). The minimum threshold for election into the Membership is 51% of all eligible votes.

  4. If you are voted in, you must sign the Consent to Serve as a Member. Upon signing, you will be a Voting Member!

Any person involved in our greater community may apply to become a Member and is either motivated to come forward and apply themselves, or is encouraged to do so by someone within the AfrikaBurn community at large.

  1. Applicants and/or their nominee should contact [email protected]* and request the Member Application Pack. This includes the Beginners Guide to Membership, the Code of Conduct, and a written interview questionnaire.

    Submit your application pack to [email protected]*. Applications should include (in PDF format, please):

    The completed Interview Questionnaire

    Your Curriculum Vitae

    A letter of recommendation from your nominee / a member of the Burn community (please include their contact details)

    The Members Secretariat (MemSec) will confirm receipt of your application pack

What are the obligations of being a director?

The Directors of AfrikaBurn hold overarching responsibility for meeting the objectives of the organisation; for ensuring its activities are philosophically aligned with the guiding principles; and for the governance of the organisation. They are also responsible for the fiduciary health of the organisation as a self-sustaining NPC, and balanced against the overall objectives of the organisation and the movement.

They hold primary responsibility for the strategic planning; oversight of the annual AfrikaBurn calendar of events; policy development; ensuring the resources (including human) and compliance for operations and activities; sound management of AfrikaBurn’s finances; and legal and fiduciary governance of the non-profit company.

What is the structure of the AfrikaBurn board of directors?

The Board of Directors comprises of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 8 Directors, the majority of whom are non-executive Directors.

Non-Executives Directors are elected by the Members. They serve on a part-time basis and are required to be external from the operations of the organisation. They drive forward the vision and strategy of the organisation. Non-executive Directors may not hold any other formal or paid position within the operations of the organisation.

Executive Directors are appointed on a full-time or a part-time basis, to interface with the operations of the organisation, execute decisions of the Board, and drive forward the vision and strategy of the organisation. Executive Directors may not hold any other formal or paid position within the operations of the organisation (unless determined otherwise by the Members from time to time by way of an ordinary resolution).

What are the characteristics of a director?

AfrikaBurn seeks to have a culturally and cognitively diverse Directorship, that incorporates a range of skills and expertise at a strategic level. Candidates from all walks of life, backgrounds and interests are encouraged to apply; however, in all cases an individual must:

  • See their role as one of service to the AfrikaBurn community and carry out their duties with integrity.
  • Have sound leadership skills, organisation skills and communication skills.
  • Have a sound grasp of and ability to practically apply AfrikaBurn’s guiding principles.
  • Understand the duties and obligations involved in being a Director.
  • Be able to attend 1 full board meeting a month, and commit to an estimated 20 hours per month
  • Be eligible to serve as a Director under South African Company Law 

While it is no longer a strict requirement, it is of benefit for any potential Director to have participated in Burn events previously, to fully understand the nature of the event as a mechanism for catalysing the organisation’s objects.

Any suitably qualified person involved in our greater community may apply to become a Director, and is either motivated to come forward and apply themselves, or is encouraged to do so by someone within the AfrikaBurn community at large.

  1. Download the Director Fact Sheet here for more information on the role and responsibilities of Non-executive Directors.
  2. Submit an expression of interest, which should include your CV, a cover letter outlining why you believe you have the experience and capacity to serve on the Board, as well as an outline of your years of participation at the annual AfrikaBurn event in Tankwa Town. 
  3. Applications for Non Executive Directors are now open and your expression of interest should be sent to [email protected] by 5pm on 15 September 2023.
  4. Candidates that meet the stated criteria will be invited to interview in September. The outcome of the election will be communicated by the end of October with the new Board members invited to join the Board in November.