AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Image credit: Alex Miles

AfrikaBurn will blow your hair back whichever way you choose to experience it. The more you do, the more fun you’ll have – guaranteed, because it’s a do-ocracy – a place where you’re welcome to start something, make something or do anything (within reason). Forget standing at the sidelines – jump in with both feet and get busy!

As a volunteer-driven event and organisation, AfrikaBurn offers many ways in which anyone can participate. A good starting point would simply to ask yourself what it is you’d like to do, and see where that skill or contribution would fit. Take a look at the following areas, find one that suits you, and then step up, rock up and prepare to have a lot of fun.

Sign up for event shifts here:

Yep, we (kind of) have an airstrip, and it needs to be staffed by capable aircraft lovers. Sound like the thing for you?

Volunteer here.

Contact [email protected] for more details. 

Working here means you’re the reception desk for arriving artists and theme camps, both registered and unregistered. You’d get to help them locate their designated spots (or find them one). This is a great way to meet the people that create the magic of Tankwa Town.

Volunteer here.

more information: [email protected]

CHILLAZ, situated at the epicenter of the Off Centre, exists as a hub and a platform for all artists, performers, and creatives looking for a stage in dusty Tankwa Town.

Chillaz is looking for volunteers to fill various roles during their event, including stage manager, technical support, fluffers, artist booker, and stagehands.

Volunteer here! Chillaz Signup

Love the smell of LRP in the morning?! Why not hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly, a bumblebee or a unicorn? Come meet the builders, artists and creators, get to know them and be inspired to maybe build your own. So get on the highway, point yourself our way, DMV awaits.

Volunteer here.

Our DPW are responsible for creating the key infrastructure of the event: roads, signage, toilets and much more. Like getting your hands dirty? Your skills will be put to good use working with the DPW.

In order to take on the role of being DPW crew volunteer, you’ll need up to five weeks free time out in the Tankwa Karoo.

Read more about DPW herehere and here. The form is on one of those pages – consider finding it the first part of your application process. 

Beyond chopping vegetables and preparing meals, it’s an invitation to shape the communal spirit and radical self-expression that define AfrikaBurn. Join a family of like-minded individuals, where every task contributes to the vibrant tapestry of this temporary city in the Tankwa Karoo.

Volunteer here!  DPW Kitchen

When people arrive with Tankwa stars in their eyes, this is the crew that processes them and their tickets. It’s a great way to meet loads of people, and share in the stoke of arrival. Sound good? It is good.

Volunteer here.

You shall not pass! 

A shift in the Box Office takes you out of the desert elements for 4 hours and puts you into the hot seat at one of the Box Office windows, scanning the many burners arriving in the desert into Tankwa Town.

Some shifts are extremely busy, and some are quiet, so be prepared to work both eventualities. It’s always fun working a Box Office shift, and we invite you to join the Box Office furniture. You may even get a shirt out of it!

Send an email to: [email protected]

Bubbly? Enthusiastic? Fancy welcoming the citizens of Tankwa Town with a smile, song or dance? Perfect. Get to dress up and welcome, orientate and inform people as they arrive.

Volunteer here.

Visit the Facebook Page

They dish out the coolest – and only – product sold in Tankwa Town. It’s a great way to meet people, and earn the undying admiration of thirsty and hot burners.

Volunteer here.

Ice Ice Baby

Every year, behind the scenes, the hard-working Kitchen Crew swings into action to keep the AB staff steady on their feet 24/7 by keeping them fed and well-hydrated.  Even if you’re a kitchen novice, come and help prep, serve, and of course, clean up.  You’ll have unique, behind the scenes, interactions with folk from all over the world who make AB happen.

Volunteer here

This one’s for those who love our desert enough to want to stay on, and experience it once the crowds have left – and help to make sure we really do leave no trace.

Click to volunteer for Leave no Trace 

Our Just In (e) booth is where all the missing things are collected. From lost cameras to lost minds, you can find it all here. Shifts involve manning the booth, receiving lost items and logging them and then reuniting people with found items.

Volunteer here.

The Tankwa Karoo is a pristine environment, but all the stuff that hits the ground has to be removed, and despite the fact that AfrikaBurn is a Leave No Trace event, some people don’t read – or sometimes forget – the manual. Which is when MOOP happens. (Matter Out Of Place)! Got some karma to earn?

Volunteer here.

In keeping with our core principle of ‘leave no trace,’ we are firmly committed to the responsible management of waste.

The art of waste separation and recycling is a pivotal element of our overarching sustainability mission, and its success depends on the dedication and collaborative efforts of individuals like yourself.

Volunteer here! Recycling Signup

Rangers aren’t the police or security, but rather there to make sure everyone has a good time and doesn’t get hurt. They’re active participants in the community, who promote awareness of what AfrikaBurn is all about and point out potential hazards. Rangers walk about, engage with the community and mediate where necessary.

So if you enjoy assisting others, guiding the odd burner through a difficult circumstance and generally enjoy keeping the peace, you’re Ranger material. But bear in mind you must be calm, flexible and have a sense of humour.

Meet up with Rangers here: Info & Training Page

Dust Ranger Shifts:
Please ensure you have completed Dust Ranger training before signing up to shift: 
Senior Ranger Shifts:
Senior shifts are only open to experienced Senior Tankwa Rangers and those who have completed the relevant Tankwa Senior Ranger Training:

Learn a little more about them herehereand even here.

It’s the place where anyone can go if they’re having a hard time, or feeling overwhelmed. If it’s a physical or psychological challenge people are facing and it’s too much to handle, our Sanctuary crew will be on hand to assist in a calm, peaceful space. And you’re welcome to join the team. Contact Sanctuary here: [email protected]

*Please note you need to have done Sanctuary training to be able to volunteer.

For info on Sanctuary (and a link to sign up, if you have the required skills), head here.

Voted ‘Most Satisfying Crew in 2022’, these are the peeps that roll around in the morning making sure that the loos are stocked and clean and ready to go!

It’s a SUPER fun few hours (especially on the days that we find deposits from the Gifting Fairies) and you get to rest easy in the knowledge that YOU have taken care of some shit for the day.

Throne Crew shifts are arranged via the volunteer booth

More about toiletsthrones and greywater.

Ever wanted to spend some time at the nerve centre, and encourage people to sign up for shifts and help burners volunteer for what they want to do to make this event what it is?

Volunteer for volunteer shifts at the volunteer booth here.

Once we all get back from the desert and have shaken the dust out of our hair, then it’s normally time to gather again at our Decompression. However in 2022, there simply wasn’t capacity in the core operations and volunteer teams – so we’re looking for community members to take the 2023 Decompression to the next level. It’s supposed to be like a massive family picnic, with art and music and all the cool things you find in Tankwa Town. 

Interested in helping out? Want to launch the new Decompression? Mail [email protected] or mail [email protected] if you just want to help out.

If you’re looking for a theme camp, artwork or mutant vehicle crew to join, we’re busy working on a new solution to help people find their places. Please email [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] if you would like to volunteer on projects. They’ll be able to assist you. 

Our event and community are built on active participation. You’re welcome to raise your hand at any time and put yourself forward and get involved. Apart from our main annual event in the Tankwa Karoo, there are also others like Decompression and Streetopia where you could pitch in.

Visit the Portfolios Section for contact details and get in touch to find out how you can get involved in the organisation, or contribute to various ongoing projects. You’re also welcome to consider joining the organisation as a Member in order to provide oversight, guidance and input. Read up on how the organisation is managed, and how you can become a Member.

You can also fill out the Volunteer form online or email [email protected] and a volunteer coordinator will get back to you.

There are a bunch of other ways to unleash your imagination. So, if you plan on creating a Theme Camp, building an Artwork, bringing a Performance or driving a Mutant Vehicle around, we have loads of info about these:

Art & Performances

Been bitten by the art bug? Got an idea to get out, and a dream to chase?
Let’s get you started!

Theme camps

Keen to create a community space where anyone can collaborate and participate? Check out more of the available info here. 

Mutant vehicles

Art car? Mutant Vehicle? Mobile artwork? 
If it’s got a motor and you can’t lift it with your arms, you need to read here. 


Raising money for your project can be hard. We’ve put together a host of tips and tricks to assist you on your funraiser.

Media & Photography

If you’re looking to take photos or videos at the event, please read through the media guidelines, and consider registering.


Your gift should not be a reflection of, or associated with, your Default job. In Tankwa Town, nothing and no one is a product.