AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

No Early Arrivals Without Prior Arrangement

Now we dont like to add rules to the mix, but sometimes they are there for a good reason.

Tankwa Town opens her gates on Wednesday May 1st, 9am.

PLEASE NOTE: Unless you have permission for an Early Arrival, you won’t be able to enter the site before that time. This is for a whole lot of practical, logistical and legal reasons.

Early Arrival permission is only given to key individuals of registered creative projects who need access ahead of time in order to have their artwork or theme camp properly installed by the start of the event.

The main contact person for each registered artwork or theme camp has been mailed directly asking for a list of the people on their teams who need early access, and the dates they will be arriving.
If you are part of a registered creative project, and are part of the core crew who need early access, please contact your team lead to ensure your name is on the list they provide us.

For those of you who are keen to spend some quiet time in the desert before things kick into high gear … well, we totally get that. But unfortunately pre-AfrikaBurn is not the right time.

But why not flip it? Stay on after the event and help dismantle Tankwa Town and restore the Binnekring to it’s pristine pre-burn state, as part of the MOOP crew. We need plenty of help with that and it is a really special process in which to play a part.

If you’re keen to stay on a day or two, mail [email protected] and offer your services.

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