AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Barefoot for Truth Space …

Hi fellow Burners !

Fundraiser with a twist, putting something in to get something out … So the Team Lead of Truth Space will do the Argus barefoot. All of it, all 109 km … (Spot him on the day barefoot and a wearing a cycle shirt with the Namibian Flag). If you support that, Great !! Even better if you support the Idea of the installation :

I want to bring an installation to AfrikaBurn where the invitation is simple : To Speak only your deepest truth while in this space …
It is a most powerful , liberating and courageous Act. Truth is brilliant, deep and multilayered. It gets us in touch with vulnerability, integrity and authenticity. Participants would engage deeply with these aspects.

So, I would appreciate some financial Assistance from the Burn Community for Truth Space …

If you believe this to be a worthwhile idea, please help me co-fund this installation. Small amounts are so fine, I would just love to see people supporting the idea …

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