AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Anathi Ticket Applications are OPEN

Over the years since our main annual AfrikaBurn event began, our team and community have often discussed and considered the quandary of how an experience held in a remote location that requires resources to be a part of, and holds radical inclusion as one of its guiding principles, could be accessible to those that don’t have the means to pay for a full-price ticket, or the transport and camping equipment required.

From the start, our ticket types have always featured an extra-low-price category which have long been a way for project crews to make it possible to include members of their social circles or project teams, or for anyone that’s economically disadvantaged, to be included in our event.

These were originally called Low Income tickets – and, 3 years ago, we renamed them as Anathi tickets (‘anathi’ meaning ‘they are with us’ in isiXhosa). The uptake of these (which cost R200) has been good – and they’re now open today, 9th December 2019, for applications for our 2020 event.

If you’re someone that couldn’t possibly afford our Subsidised Ticket category, or you know someone for whom R200 as a ticket price makes it possible for you to participate in our event, there’s info below on how to apply, and also about what other ways there are to make sure you (or someone else) can access and experience our event.

Firstly, start by registering a profile on our website. Then, head to the relevant section of our Tickets page to click the Anathi Ticket application link and get info about Access Grants.

Anathi Tickets & Access Options: the basics
1) If you need help completing the Burner Bio and Anathi Application forms online please email [email protected] to book an appointment. We can arrange for you to come to HQ in Cape Town to complete the forms or we can call you and assist you remotely from 6 January.

3) Anathi Tickets and Access Grants are means-tested (i.e. we have to make sure someone who’s well-off isn’t just looking to get a cheaper ticket). So, all applicants need to supply a bank statement, pay slip or, if not working, an affidavit stating the individual does not have a regular income – so that we know we are allocating the tickets to the appropriate participants. Make sure to have that documentation on hand when completing the forms and especially if you are booking an appointment.

4) We have 2 deadlines this year, so if you want to apply for an Access Grant you need to complete your application by 31 January. If you only want an Anathi ticket our deadline closes on 17 April – but tickets are limited so don’t leave it until the last minute.

5) Any queries to be emailed to [email protected] and respond before our office closes on 13 December or after we open again on 6 January 2020.

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