It would be true to say that there isn’t one AfrikaBurn experience – rather, there are as many as there are participants in Tankwa Town, and every person will see and experience a different event, depending on their engagement in the experiment, or the road they travel. For some, the event will be a fabulously transformative one – but for others, they may face challenges personal or practical that colour their impressions.
But every year, and in order to get a clear understanding of how our event was felt, seen and lived, we put out a survey that offers you an opportunity to share your thoughts on the many aspects of our main annual event. It’s a great way for our operations team, and also for you, the members of our community, to get a sense of what works – in the dust, and out of it.
This time round we’ve added a number of questions that relate to our social development initiatives and the recent contextualising of the Radical Inclusion principle for the uniquely South African challenges that we face – and as usual, there are questions that allow you to share your input about both the visible and invisible infrastructure that helps to hold our event together.
We’d really appreciate it if you could fill the Survey out – and share it with your network of friends, family and campmates – so that we can get a full sense of how we’re faring out there, and how we can continue to improve our main annual event, and the way we do things beyond it.
Ready to share your thoughts? Click here and crack on with our Survey!

As we’ve mentioned many times, AfrikaBurn is more than just…