AfrikaBurn 2025: 28 April to 4 May

Creative Grants Awarded For 2013

Tankwa Town is getting ready to astound and inspire us once again! Fancy a sneak peak at things to come? These projects will light your creative fire.

A big thank you to everyone who let their imagination off it’s leash, then knuckled down and got their paperwork in. We would have funded all of you if we could!

Thanks also to the Art Committee for their enthusiasm and commitment reviewing the applications. And mostly, thanks to each of you in the Burn community – the R400 000 awarded in funding support this year is offered from the surplus generated through ticket sales.  So walk tall and be proud friends, we’ve done good.

In line with creative grant policy, projects do not receive the full proposal costs.

This means that, along with the blood sweat and beers creative teams commit to these projects, they are also tasked with raising a portion of the costs themselves.
If there’s a project you’d like to support, either listed below or another you’ve heard of, please mail [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the artist.

Go on – you know you want to!


Reflection by Daniel Popper (with Chris Shelvey):
Out in the distance an enormous sculpture, the torso of a young man.  He tips his head gently forward, appearing to ponder his reflection in the space between his hands. Dance, play, explore, and reflect between his protective arms and beneath his benevolent gaze.

The Tunnel of Complete Enlightenment by the Vuvucreative and Justin Eastman:
A tunnel of light – this experience offers a reflection of the journey through life. We don’t always know where we are going, or even perhaps, from where we have come. The path is unclear, yet at times the insights along the way are profound. Our environment colours our perception, and our perception in turn illuminates the path. Others, who have navigated the Tunnel, are there to help us along our way, and in turn we assist those that are waiting outside.

Pendulum 1 by the Rootformers:
The return of an original Tankwa Town archetype.  The beautiful rhythmic spin of the pendulum paints a secret circle of light in the night sky.

The Earth Pods and The Wattle Tower by Kim Goodwin and the Dandylions:
From the creators of the Fear Gods, a collection of tall, sheltering architectural spaces, sketched in wattle against the stark beauty of the desert sky.

Smokin’ Mirrors by Egon Tania and the Fatas Morgana:
The kinetic flaming T-Rex, Lizzy, trans-scapes again…. still on her journey. Huge, as you know. She is Steel and Fire.  Trans-scaping from one state to another.

Compression Simon Max Bannister and the Temple Crew:
This temple complex of 8 spires, resembling a cluster of crystal shards or sparks or flames, surrounds a central sacred fire. A reflective space, intended to bring the individual into the present moment, to compress passion and assist catharsis.

Aurora by Rob van der Vliet Immaculate Concept:
A celebration of the natural beauty of waves. Every part of this installation is designed to generate, process or display patterns of light and sound waves. Let Aurora cast her veil over you, enveloping you in a dreamscape of colour and sound. Lie back and watch her domed sky explode in fractals. Put your mind in neutral and lose yourself in time and space.

Grateful Heart by Tristan Lang and the Grateful Heart Collective (with thanks to the JOZI CORE crew and the Burner community)
A surreal and playful allegory. Sometimes the forces of life can seem way bigger than our soft hearts. But with distance we can see a new perspective, a broader horizon. Ascend the grater to achieve perspective, to find yourself with an elevated view of Tankwa Town, and above those forces we thought larger and stronger than ourselves.

Stasie Kaffee by Kamp Kafee:
Gather, relax, play, perform, pontificate, drink coffee, eat pancakes, bake bread, feel a bit civilised and re-humanised at the Stasie Kaffee.

Tea = 2 pie root el over gee by be There be more geeks (Carl Cronje, Etienne de Kock, Chris Megan, Dirk Pieters, Richard and Deborah Weissenberg):
The revision of ‘that pendulum thing’. Formula finds form. This is the artistry of mathematics.

The Agreement by Daya Heller:
Two figures, steel armature clad in parts with paper skin. They face each other – a man and a woman. Between them, a biological heart mounted on an arrow. This is the eternal conversation between man and woman.

Light Intensity by Light Intensity (Alexander Karpul, Matt Proxenos, Stuart Lightbody):
An interactive experience that provides a light journey – step into a world of light and watch your steps expand out. This is about the spread and connection of possibility. With one simple interaction one can create change to the system.

The Amazing Camera Obscura by Garfield Taylor and Rebecca Haysom:
This wonderfully elegant contraption returns to Tankwa Town once again to delight us with it’s optical acrobatics, and remind us that our world is full of magic and wonder.

Curious Giraffe by The Homii:
A playful kinetic surprise for the curious. Tread softly or you may disturb the giraffe J


Prayer to the New Moon by the New Moon Collective (Charles Standing and Craig Leo, with Stef Wessels, Ian Mason and others):
Into the early evening emerges the creature, heavy and pregnant. She is unruly and needs to be held back and controlled by her horned guardians, as her time is near. On her journey she releases her colourful tails to be manipulated by the crowds watching. She bucks and arches and seems to be reaching up to the twilight sky…searching. When her time comes she will release the moon into the night sky and in the process a girl will be taken with the moon to suspend and dance in the darkening sky.

Los Fuegos by Los Fuegos (Justincinerate, Raff Scallion, Johnny Lightning, BrandyWine, Mike Fire, Manique La Fue, Kenny Boing, A Humankie):
This pyrotechnic industrial fire performance group will make sparks fly beneath the Clan on Saturday night.

Ooqongqothwane by François Knoetze and Daniel Nel:
One bug’s trash is another bug’s treasure. The dung beetles work tirelessly traversing the Binnekring with their big ball. Art mimics nature.

San Jam by Alastair Gets, Andrew Parker and Camp Sunset Oasis:
A Friday night pre-burn-night warm up beneath The San Clan, to get the energy building!  Taking revellers on a sound and visual journey from gypsy greats to Balkan beats to tech house.

Blowing of the Anvil by Charl and Luke:
This ancient blacksmith tradition has become a Tankwa Town staple.


Hurby Buggalux by Charl Bothma and Tony Anton:
A steampunked stretched people mover complete with flames to keep things hot, and shade to keep you cool.

Death Ride by Rootformers:
The flame-throwing mutant vehicle returns with some red-hot modifications.

Burning Mail Post Van by Burning Mail:
Tankwa Town’s Post Office on Wheels evolves. With more sophisticated lighting they’ll be able to make those urgent deliveries after dark.

Love Machine by LEDHEDZ:
The Love Machine is gearing up for AfrikaBurn. A large-scale roving beacon of radiant reflections and thumping bass. 2013 is the first phase of a plan for what is set to become a fixture of Tankwa Town.

Rock Spider by Nicolas Lehmann:
A re-imagined Rat Rod and it’s interactive collection of passengers out for a slow cruise around the Binnekring, along with satellite anacroid feeder spider bicycles.

The Not So Virgin Mary by Duncan Larkin and Cameron Richards:
This teeny tiny mobile dance floor, covered in flowers and beads, comes with a rocking soundtrack.

Hairy Sprocket Rocket Cricket Mobiel by Such & Family:
A peddle-powered 8-seater mobile party-bar and wind-sculpture. The faster you peddle, the more power to the sound system and lights, which fuel the party!  See the gentle metamorphosis when the wind blows.

Eschaton by Philip Joubert:
A large head – the vehicle of our Dreams and the processor of our Realities – containing the Dream Machine. Place one of your dreams inside it and take someone else’s away with you.  By sharing dreams and making other aware of our inner desires, we give a mechanism for manifestation to occur. We make our dreams real.

Ship of Fools by The Vanguards:
Set sail across the desert in this metaphorical ship of fools. The fool being one of the most mercurial archetypes, of course must move.

Stofadil by Saarah and Paul Fletcher:
The only elusive Karoo Stofadil in captivity has been tamed.  This is a rare opportunity to see one at play in its natural habitat. Look out also for the illustrated story of this shy Tankwa legend.


HeartSpace by The Heartspace Collective:
After a break last year Heartspace returns. A collaborative space offered for use by all at the Burn, for all and any activities of Heart  – yoga, Qi-gung, meditation, Laughing, 5 Rhythms dancing.

Domain by Domain:
A collaborative venue dedicated to the fine art of live performance.  An open stage – all performance artists are welcome, with a focus on live amplified acoustic and world music.

Burning Mail Postcards by Burning Mail:
(In support of additional postcards)  The Burning Mail post cards are mini documentaries of our collective creativity, sent out to the default world to reach out to others, and our selves, from that brief and special moment that is our home in Tankwa Town.


Wow, you read that all the way to the end? Give yourself a massive round of applause. You’re obviously quite interested – so here’s more news on the Creative Grant front:


Got an opinion on the Creative Grant system? We’d like to hear it!
You’re invited to join the conversation around why and how we award Creative Grants.
Every year we look back on our intentions around the creative grants, the process and the outcomes, and try to imagine a way to do it better. If you have ideas to share, concerns to raise, criticisms, or compliments to give or would just like to understand the system better – we’d love to hear from you.
When: Wednesday 23rd January from 5.30pm
Where: The Bijou, 178 Lower Main rd, Observatory,
RSVP to: [email protected] (By end of day, Monday 21st January please)

Homework: download the creative grant policy at the bottom of the page.
If you’re unable to attend and have input you’d like to share, you’re welcome to email ArtCom directly and we will present/raise it on your behalf.
Send your comments to: [email protected]

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