This is it folks – the mysterious X poster! Is it as enigmatic as the theme itself? Damn straight – nothing less than a ephemeral mix of sights and textures, all adding up to the gloriously colourful creation you see here. At first sight, there doesn’t appear to be a lot going on… and then you look a little closer… and the details begin to reveal themselves.
Which is fitting, and very much like the approach to Tankwa Town – at first sight  it’s the large elements that can be seen but as you get closer, more and more is revealed. It’s textural, animal, mineral and ephemeral – and utterly beautiful in a strange and beguiling new way.
Like it? Click it, download it, and print it – the pdf version is high-res. Of course, if you want a large (A2) printed version, you’ll be able to pick that up at our event gate, and at Off-Centre Camp, as every year.
Huge thanks to the very talented Mea Waffle, who volunteered her time and skills, for conjuring up something as sublime as our X theme itself.